Friday 5 April 2013

New rules

Recently the FIVB has brought in a new rule change for the first reception of serve. It is;

Rule 9: Playing the ball – This rule change only applies to SERVICE RECEPTION where an overhand fingerpass action is used. If players play the ball with an overhead action that is not an attempt to “set” the ball then a double contact is allowed.  For example, the following actions are NOT considered to be overhand finger pass actions!  Closed fingers, steeple, crocodile, camel claw and two fists.
It is also very important to note the difference in interpretation of the service reception overhand finger pass to that of a general play overhand finger pass.  In general play referees are encouraged to lengthen rallies and allow spectacular actions which from time to time will mean that small double contact faults are not whistled in situations that would be best described as extraordinary.  In the case of the service reception overhand finger pass this exception to the rule is not encouraged and referees are expected to whistle to the standard that would be applied in a normal game situation.
No other changes were applied to the “Playing the ball” rule, particularly:
-       Double contact on service reception where the ball contacts various parts of the body consecutively, provided that the contacts occur during one action and it is not an overhand finger action.
-       Double contact on the first contact of a team that is not a service reception, i.e.  the ball may contact various parts of the body consecutively, provided that the contacts occur during one action, including an overhand finger action.
It is NOT a fault if a player receives a serve using an overhand finger action and does not double contact the ball.

This rule change, like the rally point introduction, the net touch rule and the libero role, will probably cause confusion at first, but is ensure to be adopted by all players and coaches throughout the year.

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